Aldo Martinelli was born in Trieste, close to Venice, a city of sea and sailors, whose spirit transmit the desire to travel and see the world.
He writes for several magazines and newspapers, and he decided to combine the passion for photography with his articles.
Just graduated he moved to Milan, where he attended the IED, Institute of Visual Arts.
The love of photography overwhelms him and he is completely dedicated to it.
In 1990 he moved to the United States between New York and Miami.
In 1994 he returned to Milan to open his own studio and began his professional experience.
In these years many were the collaborations with prestigious international designer names such as Ermenegildo Zegna, DSquared, Roccobarocco, Malo, Versace, Les Copains, Sharmoon, Cadini and others.
There are many people who require him for their portraits and advertising campaigns: Pierce Brosnan, Philippe Starck, Gong Li, the twins Dean and Dan Caten, Rosita Celentano ......
He works with companies across Europe, USA, China and Middle East.
Since ten years he is married with Cristiana, they share love for their work creating together stories and images that represent and transmit their sensitivity to everything around them.

Aldo Martinelli出生于意大利的的里雅斯特(Trieste), 一座海滨城市,一座传承着环游世界之梦想的水手之城。起初,Aldo为当地的几家报社工作,其中包括“Piccolo”,为了丰富文章,他开始摄影并渐渐热爱上了它。中学刚毕业他就搬到了米兰,在那里的视觉艺术学院学习IED。他完全地爱上了摄影,并决定将此生奉献于这项事业。
近年来,他与众多知名国际设计师合作,其中包括:Ermenegildo Zegna, DSquared, Roccobarocco, Malo, Versace, Les Copains 等。
他也应邀为多位名人拍摄肖像和广告:皮尔斯·布鲁斯南(Pierce Brosnan)、菲利普·斯塔克(Philippe Starck)、巩俐(Gong Li)、Dean和Dan Caten双胞胎兄弟、罗西塔•切伦塔诺(Rosita Celentano)等。
在这十多年期间,Aldo Martinelli与Cristiana结婚,并与她一同创作出了众多的故事与图像作品,表达了他们对周围一切的敏锐性。

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Via Tortona, 35
20144 Milano
Tel. 0039 02 42292915 Fax 0039 02 42292915

Suite 2712 Building A
No. 325 Tianyaoqiao Road
Xuhui District Shanghai China 200030
Tel. 0086 21 3363 7598 Fax. 0086 21 3363 7597


All images © copyright Aldo Martinelli Photography

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